Over The Grave

Interested in some great music?

Take a moment to check out the music from Sojourn Community Church in Louisville, Ky. This is a great church and their music proves it. Click on the album cover to follow to their website.

This album is inspired by the hymns of Isaac Watts. The music on this first installment of the project is filled with variety and your ears will love you for listening to it. Trust me.

At the bottom of their page, there is a music player that will allow you to listen as you read about the project. Take advantage of it!

If you like what you hear, please feel free to follow this link for more of Sojourn's music:

Sojourn Music

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Michelle said...

Haha... what's funny is that I put this CD into my player on my way to work this morning. What a coincidence that we were both thinking of the same CD at basically the same time! Fun! ;-) I love you, Babe!

Anonymous said...

Kyle, Glade everything is going good with you, love the outlay of your blogspot. Take care of yourself and the mrs.,

Andrew said...

Love this album. Another great one that came out recently is Rain City Hymnal from Mars Hill in Seattle. Have you heard it?

Kyle said...

Thanks Chewy! Great to hear from you! Hope all is well, bro!

Andrew, it sounds familiar, but I'll have to check it out! We actually go to the church plant of Sojourn called Crossing Church (www.crossinglouisville.com) Great to hear from you. Thanks!