Wage War

Men, we are called to protect our families. There are so many areas to consider when thinking about protecting the family. Yes, we need to protect them if someone physically threatens them, but most of the time, we ignore the subtle areas where the enemy sneaks in undetected. Spiritually speaking, we need to protect our wives and children from the wiles of Satan by doing whatever it takes.

Are you doing this? What about the movies you bring into your home that are filled with foul language, explicit scenes, etc? What about letting your child watch the television or surf the Internet without supervision? Do you even have protection on your computer that blocks unwanted pictures or filthy advertisements that pop up? What about the magazines that you get in the mail and leave around the home that contain revealing advertisements? When going somewhere, do you think about taking a different route to avoid explicit billboards and signs? I could go on and on...

So, how do we wage war against these things? Be intentional. Get rid of movies or magazines in the home that could be dangerous to your family. Be in the Word of God. Be continuously transformed by the renewing of your mind. Write the Word of God on your heart and on the door frames of your house. Let your family know where you stand.

In waging this war, we need help. We need to be in constant fellowship with other godly men. This is essential. In order to wage war against the schemes of Satan, we need other godly men to relate to and to keep us accountable in our walk with the Lord. They help us in our battles throughout life and in the family. If you have ever talked to men who have experienced the horror of war, you have most likely heard them talk about the other men in their troop who would do absolutely anything for them, even today. This is because there is something to be said about men who experience trials and hardships together. There is a special bond. We need godly men in our lives to encourage us and hold us up if we expect to be successful in waging war.

You cannot go into battle alone. Wars like the Civil War, the Battle of Gettysburg, Vietnam War, WWI and WWII were never fought by one man. A myriad of men fought together and died together. So too, we must wage war against Satan together.

The drum beats have started. The war paint has been applied. Throw away your sword's sheath, you won't be needing it. Brace yourself with other godly men. Wage War.

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Anonymous said...

I know I'm your Mama, and I'm suppose to like what you write, but I really do and I think every young man should read this blog before getting married and starting a family. I'm proud of you and what God is doing with your life. I love you