Book of the Week

This week's reading recommendation is called, "Peacemaking for Families" by Ken Sande with Tom Raabe. It's an excellent source for dealing conflict in the home.

According to the Sande: "Learning to be a peacemaker will help you to guard your family from destructive conflict, deepen your love and intimacy with your spouse, and provide your children with a solid foundation for life. Most importantly, you can provide the world with a compelling witness to Jesus Christ's reconciling power." How true!

Do you ever get tired of reading books that only offer "5 steps to..." or "8 ways to..." I certainly do, but this is one book that does not do that. It's not super long, but it is packed with information dealing with conflict in marriage, confession, confrontation, forgiveness, teaching children how to be peacemakers, etc. You will find encouragement from cover to cover. All in all, the authors seek to reveal the real issue of sin in the home, which is the sinful heart.

So, take some time to go and pick this book up. It is well worth your time and investment. If anything, it's for your family's sake.

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